1. The first shot begins with a very detailed and graphic introduction of the company that created this film, not only is there 3D text but there is also a soundtrack in the background which makes it seem like the text is 'landing' on the ground. This gives the company the chance to show who made this film and also gives them plenty more advertisement.
2. The very first shot of the film trailer is a quick close up of a clock ticking which zooms in very fast, the fact that the whole background is blurred out gives the audience the impression that time is going to be of an important essence of the whole movie. It also gives the impression that the movie may be based on some sort of timer ~ just the first shot makes the audience ask questions. From this point, a man in the background begins to talking, it seems as if he is talking to the girl throughout the shots: "What's the first thing you remember.."
5. After the following shot sequence, it is then followed by a blackout which makes the whole sequence before seem like a distant memory or a nightmare.
6. We are then quickly introduced to this shot by a girl whispering "Fire" in response to the man that asked a question in the previous shots. There is a mid shot of the front of a girl that almost doesn't seem quite with it, we can see some of the fire flames reflect from her. The environment she is surrounded by gives us the impression that she is in the middle of no where, but she doesn't seem to be lost as she knew that she definitely wanted to set that particular house on fire. We can see a car coming towards her, from the sirens it is obvious that this is a police car, this makes the audience realise that whatever she has just set on fire, she is now in trouble for it.
7. We then get an establishing and bright shot of the house burning down and moves to a close up of the burning roof and the smoke in the sky, it is accompanied by a spooky and mysterious sound and a loud thumping sound which softens down as the shot fades to black.
8. There is then another introduction of the company, again advertising who created the film etc. At this point a creepy sound track of a woman singing starts and keeps going, giving the feeling that whatever is next is haunted.
9. This is then followed by an establishing shot of a type of old building and follows what seems like a similar car from a previous shot. The car appears from the right and the camera follows the car as it drives towards the house.
10. We then see a close up of the girls face, she is on what seems like a trolley and is being taken somewhere as we can see the floor moving.

11. There is a variety of multiple quick paced shots of the main character having photos taken, the lighting is chosen very specifically so that the girl is lit up and you can tell is the main character. After this there is an over the shoulder shot of one of the nurses, it appears that she is talking to the girl, but the girl is confused and only answers with 'Kristen', at this point we are now introduced to the name of the main character.
13. This then shows a long shot of the back of the same girl being made to walk down the long corridor, the soundtrack of a spooky choir continues as the man says 'Welcome to the Ward', we are now introduced to the environment she is in. It is then followed by a similar shot, however this time we see the front of them.
16. There is an establishing shot of the hallway, the camera seems to be nearer to the floor, this makes the hallway look a lot more spooky and larger than it really is.
19. There is a sound bridge from a two shot between the new girl and a girl giving advice, she says 'If I were you I would watch out new girl.' This ultimately adds to the picture the audience gets, it shows that something bad has happened in the past.
25. The previous shot then turns into very faced paced one second shots of the girl from different angles, the audience then sees a zoom in and glimpse of the main horror monster which is the 'star' of the show. The film trailer is slowly unravelling bits of the main story to make the viewers want to see it. This shot is accompanied by a very high pitched scream from what sounds like a girl.
26. I really like the way this shot is positioned, the way that the torch is very bright makes it effective as the audience doesn't know who is holding that particular light. I also like how the shot is based in some sort of basement and is very dark in contrast to the clothes that the man is wearing and the light which is beaming and grabs the audience' attention.

28. Just at this shot, the pace of the shots start to pick up dramatically and a loud non diegetic soundtrack of some type of fast violin is then introduced. There is an extreme close up of the girls facial expression of her screaming, not only this but the fact that the shot is in black and white changes about the shots. The second shot is the reoccurring text to make the film trailer that extra bit frightening. The text the film trailer uses encourages the audience to be scared and gives the audience an idea of what to expect when they watch the full movie.
29. At this point we see some type of creature picking up certain surgeon instruments, the music is now very loud fast and has an echo to it. I like how this film trailer is slowly giving small pieces of the film away.

33. The film trailer ends with a shot of the ward corridors, as the text flashes in and slowly appears the shot disappears and changes into a plain black background.
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