Friday 8 November 2013

Media Lesson - 8/11/13

After looking through all of the footage we have so far, we tried to put together our idea based on our storyboard. Although we found out that it seemed to be more like a film opening as the shots seemed to drag on. We also made a list of thins we needed to add or re-film to make if more effective: 

  1. Establishing shot of police station
  2. Close up of police woman "A numerous amount of girls have been taken"
  3. Door bell ringing, close up of Jodi opening the door
  4. Text screen, saying something to make the audience think, for example - 'What if no one knew you was gone..' etc
  5. Shot from the side looking at Jodi peer out of the door and looking around
  6. Panning shot of Jodi walking into the living room and turning off the Tv covering up the man in the mask, follows Jodi turning off the tv and stops on the man in the mask
  7. Extreme close up of police woman "This has to stop"
  8. Close up of Jodi's leg being grabbed
  9. Long shot of Jodi being pulled away from the camera screaming
  10. Text screen
  11. Establishing shot of traffic going by

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