Friday 20 December 2013

Film Poster

This is our current film poster, although this may change due to audience feedback. The quality of the photo could also be better too.

Film Trailer

This is the final version of our film trailer.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Final Magazine Layout

Final Magazine Photo

After our first idea not working as well as we hoped we took another set of photos for our magazine and we chose this one and made the background darker and faded it out. This photo is a lot more effective than our first one as is it centred and follows the magazine conventions we found from our research: 
  • Posed photo
  • Character from the film in costume
  • Photo takes up most of the space on the magazine

Tuesday 17 December 2013

First Magaizne Draft

Film Magazine - First Draft
This photo was originally chosen for our film poster, but we decided to add text and a general magazine layout to it to see if it would work. From this we found that a more centred photo would be better so that we could work the text around the photo to frame it and add a focal point/

Monday 16 December 2013

Possible Film Poster Photos

Possible film poster ideas
In todays lesson we edited a few of the photos that were taken, these might be used for our film poster: 

Thursday 12 December 2013

Film Name Ideas and Decision

We had been trying to decide the name for our horror trailer for a while, these are the names we have come up with:
  • Unmasked
  • Masked
  • Concealed
  • Under the mask
  • From the shadows
  • Out of the shadows
We decided on the name 'CONCEALED', as this word represents the fact that the main character/stalker is concealed behind a mask.

Media Lesson - 12/12/13

In todays lesson we edited our film trailer once again, after knowing it lacked pace and a real link between the killer, detective and the girls who are kidnapped we asked our teacher for their advice. Some of the things we need to reshoot are:

  • The female detective looking at the camera saying 'there wasn't one'
  • The male detective looking at the camera saying 'what was the outcome?'
  • The female detective saying 'Who knows when he'll strike again'
  • Shot of the bottom half of Amara's face pulling down the mask - To make the audience question who the stalker really is
  • A knife dropping for the trailer end build up
  • Extreme close up of Jodi and Chelsea tied up
  • Mid shot of Chelsea in the boot
  • Close up of Chelsea talking into the phone saying something along the lines of 'I'm scared'
  • Shot of stalker looking up with the mask, black to the mask
  • Phone call between female detective and stalker
  • The stalker saying 'You have till midnight'
  • Silhouette of stalker walking towards/away from camera
  • Extreme close up of stalker with/without mask 
  • Chelsea saying 'watch it' or 'what the hell' when the car pulls out

Tuesday 10 December 2013

First Ideas for Film Poster

This was our first idea for our film poster. We have other ideas on the film poster photo, these include:

  • Stalker looking into the mirror
  • Side of stalkers face
  • Side of stalkers face on the phone
  • Stalker holding the mask/ready to take it off

Monday 2 December 2013

Magazine Name Ideas

The magazine names we have come up with so far are:
  • Taped
  • Negative
  • Studio